
We are accepting applications for the upcoming school year for pre-school, voluntary pre-kindergarten (VPK), and our elementary kindergarten - 5th grade classes.

Top 4 reasons parents choose ZamZam

  • Smaller Class Sizes

    Our teachers can provide more personalized attention, fostering better student-teacher relationships and individualized support.

  • Specialized Programs

    ZamZam Academy is the only full time Islamic Education in Volusia and Flagler counties.

  • Academic Excellence

    Our rigorous academic programs, smaller class sizes, and specialized teaching methods, result in high academic results.

  • Strong Community and Values

    We place a strong emphasis on instilling values like respect and integrity to cultivate a supportive and nurturing atmosphere.

“I couldn't be happier with the enriching environment and personalized attention my child receives at ZamZam. It's truly a place where academic excellence meets a nurturing community, and I'm grateful for the remarkable growth I've witnessed in my child.”

— Paula Jalil, Parent

Enrollment Process

Our process for admitting students into our esteemed elementary program involves assessing various factors to ensure a well-rounded educational fit. We consider academic records, assessments, interviews, recommendations, character evaluation, and parental involvement to create a comprehensive understanding of each applicant.

  • 3 Year Old Enrollment Form

    Please bring or mail completed enrollment forms to the school (347 South Keech Street, Daytona Beach, FL 32114)

  • VPK Enrollment Form

    Please bring or mail completed enrollment forms to the school (347 South Keech Street, Daytona Beach, FL 32114)

  • K-5 Enrollment Form

    Please bring or mail completed enrollment forms to the school (347 South Keech Street, Daytona Beach, FL 32114)

  • Aftercare Contract

    Please bring or mail completed contract forms to the school (347 South Keech Street, Daytona Beach, FL 32114)

Contact Us

We're thrilled that you're considering joining our community. Whether you're at the beginning stages of exploring your child's educational journey or a returning parent, we're eager to connect with you.